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Francis. J. J. (2015). Determining the Geographical Location and Address of the Main Campus of the UTech, Jamaica, from Land Records: Papine pr Hope? The Journal of Arts, Science, and Technology, Vol. (8), 1-18.


Jamaican National Heritage Trust. (2019, September 24) Utech Jamaica Unveils JNHT Heritage Plaques on National Monuments at the Campus.


Jamaica National Heritage Trust. (n.d.). Sites: Other historic sites: Lillian's Restaurant and the Ruins of Three Concrete Silos. 


Jamaica National Heritage Trust. (n.d.). About: Legal/Heritage Protection, Research & Information (HPRI). 


Jamaica National Heritage Trust.(n.d.) About: Mission and Function.


Jamaica National Heritage Trust.(2000). Guidelines For Obtaining Approval To Restore And Develop Historic Sites And Districts.


Sangster. A. (2011). The Making of A University: From CAST to UTECH. Ian Randle Publishers. 


The University of Technology. (n.d.). Centre for the Arts: About Us.


The University of Technology. (n.d.). Restaurants: Lillian's.


The University of Technology. (n.d.). Cynthia Shako Early Childhood Education and Daycare Centre.



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